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How to Make Money by Writing About What You Enjoy

Hi, I'm [NAME]. The following information has been compiled from personal experience and research. This article is for people who want to make money by writing articles online. I'll show you step-by-step how to write an article and monetize it so you can start bringing in passive income immediately. If you have any questions or need clarification please feel free to contact me at my email: [EMAIL]. Anyway, with that out of the way, let's talk about how to make money by writing blogs!

What Is a Blog Post?

A blog post is simply an article about a specific topic that is published on a blog. Blogs are sites dedicated to the publication of this type of content.

How Do I Write a Blog Post Properly?

If you want to write a blog post, the first thing you need is an idea. You can't just sit down and type out your thoughts without a plan in mind. A good blog post needs a clear structure that leads up to a strong conclusion. Once you have your idea, it's time to organize it into topics and subtopics that will make sense as separate points of discussion. There are also two things you need to practice:

The two things that you need in order to blog: a blog topic and a writing style.

As far as the writing goes, you will need to know what your blog is going to be about and who your target audience is so that you can communicate with them in their language and give them the kind of content that they want. Writing should also be engaging enough such that people would want to read more than just one article from you. To improve this, try reading out loud when editing your work since the ears tend to hear better than our eyes when we read silently. Read aloud because it forces us to pay attention and edit our own words before we publish them where everyone else can see!

As for the blog topic goes, it is important that you are knowledgeable enough on the subject. It would be best to do some research on your chosen topic before you start writing about it so that you will have a good understanding of what might interest other people who are interested in this field. Do not ramble when typing out posts since nobody enjoys reading too much text with no breaks or pauses.

Perfecting these will help you to become a successful blogger and help you make good money from great content!

When you have your topic and subtopics, it's time to start writing. This is where most people get stuck because they aren't sure what order to put their points in. Without a strong structure, readers will become lost and confused very quickly. To help with the creation of our article, let's use an example that might be familiar to some of us...

Our Example Topic:

    • "Why I Chose Self-Publishing Over Traditional Publishing for my Novel"

Our Subtopic Points:

    1. "Reasons Why Self-Publishing Was Better for Me"
    2. "Reasons Why Traditional Publishing Would Have Been Worse for Me"
    3. "The Final Verdict"


See? The planning required to write a blog is actually quite easy! You may take the example template above if you'd like too, for free!

Let's Talk About How You Can Make Money Blogging

There are so many ways to make money with blogging. Let's discuss some of them.

Affiliate Marketing

You can create a blog where you write articles promoting products and services. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make passive income with blog posts, especially as Amazon have their own affiliate system! Affiliate marketing works by you being an affiliate of a company and they will give you a percentage of anything they sell when you send people their way with links from your site. It's really good because all you have to do is talk about the product in your posts and voila! You're making money off of it! For example, if your interest or expertise is cooking, you can create a blog about making cakes and share your recipes with other people who are interested in the same topic. You can then write an article where you promote cake recipe books that you have read and enjoyed which also include baking tips for people who are interested in knowing more about this topic.


You can set up an online store on your own website where people buy the things that you are selling. Having your own ecommerce store is similar to having a part-time job but instead of earning money working physically behind a desk, it means working virtually while sitting down at home! Many successful entrepreneurs started out by creating their own online stores so I think this should be given consideration since it can be very profitable. An ecommerce store can sell anything you want.

Freelance Work

You could always work as a freelancer writer where companies hire writers from around the world to write blog posts, articles, Website content or even books for them. This is one of my favourite to make money because there are no barriers to entry. All you have to do is to write articles and have them published on a third-party website such as Hubpages or Squidoo where people can easily find your work. When a customer reads a good article from you, they might want to hire you for other projects too! This can lead to long-term passive income if your work gets noticed by the right people providing you with more opportunities. Many people who are already online make money writing for others especially those that blog because it helps them get repeat customers which means higher profits for everyone involved!

With an Ebook

You could use your writing skills to create an eBook and publish it to Amazon Kindle where readers from around the world can purchase it and read it on their kindles or even phones/tablets/computers. Blogs are for people who like reading. So are books. I'm sure you can now see why this is such a good opportunity. Kindle Direct Publishing is Amazon's self-publishing platform which allows anyone to write an eBook and publish it on the Amazon marketplace for anybody to purchase on their kindles! If you have your own blog, you could start publishing your eBooks first on Amazon before eventually transferring them over to your own website where people will be able to download them free of charge once they have verified that they are customers who have bought one of your eBooks from Amazon.

Sell a Product on Amazon Yourself

You can use your blog to advertise and sell physical products using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) which provides storage, packing, delivery, customer service support as well as order handling for sellers who sell more than 40 products a month or those whose products are worth $5000 per month. This means that Amazon will handle all orders you receive after your customers purchase the products from them. This is a quick-turn solution to setting up an online store but it might be difficult trying to achieve long-term goals since you are relying on Amazon's services which may later become too expensive for the amount of sales that you are receiving.

Teaching Others

You can start offering courses, providing information and tips on how to use certain software applications or digital tools which people could sign up for in order to have access to valuable knowledge that they would not otherwise have if they were not able to find someone who knows about these things. Blogs are great at marketing courses, as people who click already have intent to know about the subject from reading the title. You can create step by step training videos which you sell at a premium price just like Udemy does where anyone can choose their own price and pay for the tutorial. Udemy just takes a 50% cut from each sale which is why I think this might be one of the best ways to make money online by providing information on how to use different applications.

See? And those were only 6 ways. There are much more. Be creative! That's the best advice that i could give you 

10 Tips and Tricks for New Bloggers to Get More Readers Quickly

1. Write About What You Like:

Are you a coffee lover? Or maybe your love for baking is what you excel at? Whatever your niche is, write about it! This may sound simple, but writing from the heart is one of the most effective ways to get new readers on board with your work.

2. Offer a Free Giveaway:

Offering a free giveaway can be a great way to attract new followers and turn blog visitors into subscribers. Think about giving away a subscription to your favorite magazine or a set of recipes that match up with your niche. People love giveaways, so they're sure to sign up too!

3. Set Up a Simple Email List:

You can always post links to the articles you write on Twitter and Facebook, but two of the best places to point your readers and subscribers to are Pinterest and MailChimp. Both services offer free signup forms that you can post on your website, so it's easy for people to access them.

4. Link to Your Newsletter:

Your email list is probably the best way for you to communicate with people who want to keep up with what you're doing. Show new readers that they can sign up for updates right on your blog by posting a link to subscribe at the end of every article. Make it easy and obvious, but don't go overboard-you don't want too many links leading away from your articles!

5. Promote Other Content Creators:

Don't be afraid to promote others in your niche! You can review some of their content or share their website with your followers. People are sure to thank you for spreading the word about them, which might tempt them into sharing one of your posts on their social media sites too.

6. Post on a Regular Basis:

Try to post at least once every couple of weeks in order to give your readers something new in their RSS feeds. If you're not sure what kinds of posts work best for your audience, just take some time to read the comments on your blog. What are they asking for? What kinds of questions can you answer? If there's anything that seems like it would make an awesome article, don't be afraid to write about it!

7. Ask Your Readers What They Want:

After you've been blogging for a while, think of a topic you could do a post about and ask your readers on social media what they would like to learn more about. If a new mom is wondering how she's going to get back into her workout routine, maybe your blog is exactly where she should be looking!

8. Read All Comments:

Always take the time to click over and read any comments that people leave on your site-there might just be something there that inspires an even better article! Also, never forget to thank commenters for sharing their thoughts with you-it's always nice to get some encouragement.

9. Give Away Your Earnings:

If you're feeling generous, consider giving away a percentage of what you make on your blog. There are tons of great charities out there that will gratefully take whatever you can offer, which is especially good for people who might want to write about giving, but don't have the money themselves. This may make people hear about your blog and check it out!

10. Have Fun!

Write about what you enjoy and share it with the world! Making money from your blog is a side effect of readers who enjoy your work, so as long as you're having fun with your posts, anything can happen!

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Blogging

Everyone has to start somewhere! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q: Who Would Read My Blog?

A: Everyone. Your blog can help establish you as an expert in your field. Plus, the internet is great at connecting people who are not physically near each other. You could have readers on the opposite side of the world reading your work! Don't feel intimidated though. Starting a new blog is a great feeling, especially once it becomes a successful blog that markets affiliate products!

Q: I'm Nervous About Putting Myself Out There. What if Nobody Reads My Posts?

A: The only way to find out if people are interested in what you have to say is to put yourself out there! Once you start writing, others will start coming to your blog and following on social media. You can also pay people on social media like Instagram to do a sponsord post that promotes your blog. Or, just do freelance blogging and then people will definitely read your blogs as the owners of the blogging websites that pay you are already getting traffic. Freelance writing is one of the best ways to get started. If nothing else, you'll have a collection of memories for yourself that nobody can take away from you.

Q: What if I Don't Have Any Ideas to Write About?

A: If you are passionate, then just take your passion and try to find a way to apply it in the real world! For example, if you're passionate about travel, blog about the best places you've visited. Or if you love hiking, write about your favorite trails. Writing about what you enjoy does not necessarily mean that it has to be something that is considered as a popular topic. If you like hunting and fishing then why not write about this hobby? Perhaps you want to share your experiences and stories with other hunters and future hunters. Or, here's a secret example that shows you how to never run out of ideas. If you like to take pictures and share them on your blog, then this can be used as a topic. The possibilities are endless when you think outside the box, it is up to you to create your blog and then think about what kind of things that you would find useful and interesting to write about. Basically, think of something you enjoy doing or looking at and make money off it! The more specialized your content is the better because there will be less competition for people interested in what you have to say.

Q: I'm Not Sure How Much Money Writing an Article Would Actually Pay Out. Is It Worth My Time?

A: Definitely. There are many different ways to make money writing. For example, if you work with a company creating blog posts about their products or services, they will pay you for your time. If you've written an article and want to see how much it would cost to hire you as a freelance writer, check out this link. You can also try creating ebooks and selling them on Amazon! They have millions of customers who visit the site every day. Lastly, consider making social media accounts where people can find your content and follow your story! You can make thousands per month from writing blogs, especially if you have blogs in specific nniches. Travel blogs and finance blogs can do well as you will never run out of content and there are a lot of good ways to monetize your blog. Starting your blog today is how you get a constant income stream.

Q: How Do I Analyse Where the People Who Are Reading My Blog Come From?

A: If you have a Google Analytics account, you can see which websites people are coming from and where they live. Also, check your blog's SEO analytics to make sure your site is optimized for the keywords that your audience is finding you under. When it comes to tracking readers on social media, there are many apps out there that will help provide insight into who is reading what you post!

Q: What if I Don't Know What Skills I Need to Be Good at Blogging?

A: There are countless articles online about every aspect of blogging. You can learn how-to posts on everything from writing posts to filling out forms regarding ads and having your site hosted through WordPress. If all else fails, YouTube is full of tutorials for any skills you may need to learn!

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a way to make money and enjoy yourself while doing it, blogging is the perfect option. Whether you want to talk about your favorite places or share some great recipes, there's an audience waiting for what you have to say. It's one of the best ways to become independent and take back control of your personal finances. I would seriously recommend you all to start trying to get an affiliate income as it is completely passive and lasts for a long time, it is one of the best ways of monetization.

Blogs are also mainly organic, so people find the blogs through places like search engines (such as Google) or social media (such as Facebook). You won't need to pay anything to get started with blogging! If your own personal blog fails, you can always get a writing job as a content writer/content creator! Make sure your blog content is relevant to the target audience and you will do well, even as a new blogger.

To start blogging for completely free, check out a free blogging platform such as Medium. Some of the things we wrote about here aren't allowed on some blogging platforms, such as sponsored content.The only thing standing in your way of making money off your blog is deciding how much time and effort you're willing to put into it! Start today. The sooner you start, the sooner you will gain traction. Don't worry about being a perfectionist. Happy blogging!
